Business Plans

While templates and samples can be helpful, the key to a good plan is making your own argument—for your unique business—as convincingly as you can. Don't be constrained by hewing too closely to what others have done.

Web Resources


  • Information about all aspect of developing a business plan including sample plans.
  • Plan Your Business - Write a Business Plan By Small Business Administration. A comprehensive outline and advice for preparing a business plan.
  • Moot Corp's Guide to Creating Fundable Business Plans The University of Texas/Austin guide includes modules on "Attention Getting Openings, The Executive Summary, The Right Team Makes All the Difference, The Financials and Funding"
  • Wicked Start An online guide for starting a business with concrete action items for aspiring business owners customized to their business ideas and access to a community of experts and resources for business planning, funding, hiring, structuring a business, and marketing.
Books & ebooks

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  • Creating a Business Plan In print in Baker Library Stacks, Baker Library | Bloomberg Center, HD30.28 .C73 2007 This book demonstrates how to most effectively review every facet of the business plan.


Cases & Teaching Notes

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Web Resources


Books & ebooks

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Cases & Teaching Notes

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What Investors Want



  • "I'm A VC. Here's What I Want to Know" 2003. MIT's Enterprise Forum of Cambridge has published a checklist of questions that VC firms may ask of entrepreneurs. (PDF)
  • MagPortal (Hot Neuron LLC) Offers free access to articles. Use the search function and try keywords: investors want.
  • "Courting Investors? The Best Management Team Wins" 2001. Published in Mass High Tech, Barbara Finer explains how a start-up led by an untested team can attract investors.

Business Plan Samples

Web Resources


  • The Center for Business Planning has links to several business plans that have won various business plan contests.
  • Entrepreneurship - Business Plans A guide by the Baker Library Services of Harvard Business School, listing selected resources including business plan samples.
  • This website provides over 100 free examples of business and marketing plans. The website also promotes Business Plan Pro software.


Web Resources


  • Wall Street Journal MiniPlan The Wall Street Journal business plan builder allows entrepreneurs to design a plan that will include a mission statement, company objectives, and market analysis. The MiniPlan also includes a cash flow calculator and sample business plans.